The Lodge of the Nine Muses No. 1776 was chartered in 1997. Our Charter Master, W. Kirk MacNulty, studied kabbalah in the United Kingdom where he was a member of the Lodge of the Living Stones. After returning to America, Worshipful Brother MacNulty joined with other Masons interested in studying the deeper aspects of craft masonry. Thus, The Lodge of the Nine Muses was born. Since then, the Lodge has developed into one of the premier Traditional Observance lodges in the United States.
1. The Lodge of the Nine Muses is a contemporary Mystery School for Masons seeking enlightenment. Within its sheltered environment the Brethren achieve their personal growth through fraternal interaction in the best Masonic tradition of ritual, discussion and contemplation.
2. The size of the Lodge is determined in accordance with its ability to accomplish its mission.
3. Attendance at all Lodge meetings is compulsory. If a Member is not able to attend, he is to contact the Secretary, advise the reason he cannot attend and ask to be excused by the Master.
4. The Lodge does not have nor does it follow the procedure of an advancing line of Officers. Officers of the Lodge are selected and elected on merit, accomplishments and attendance.
5. The Master of the Lodge will serve a minimum of two years and a maximum of three years.
6. Candidates seeking the degrees will attend an assembly of the members of the Lodge. At this assembly the candidate will state his reasons for seeking the degrees.
7. Before advancing to another degree the candidate must prepare a paper on an aspect of Freemasonry approved by the Officers of the Lodge and present it to the Lodge. To allow the candidate to fully absorb and understand the each degree, only one degree will be conferred on each candidate each year.
8. Each person seeking to join the Lodge by affiliation will attend and assembly of the members of the Lodge. At this assembly he will state his reasons for seeking affiliation with the Lodge.
9. Each person seeking to join the Lodge by affiliation must prepare an original paper on a topic approved by the Officers of the Lodge and present it to the Lodge.
Traditional Observance
Traditional Observance Masonry is a lodge culture. The Lodge of the Nine Muses practices masonry as it was practiced in the 18th century. This means that our lodge seeks to cultivate a ritualistic atmosphere where there is limited talking, no cell phone use, and traditional dress. As part of our practice, we are always excited to welcome visitors interested in a deeper Masonic experience.